[Mailman-Developers] Global Pipeline question

Kory Wheatley wheakory at isu.edu
Wed May 19 14:14:42 EDT 2004

I'm currently using Mailman 2.1.4 with Postfix on a Red Hat Enterprise 
Verison 3 workstation.

I would like to use the scrubber.patch to put attachments has a viewable 
link in the archives, "which is working", but I also want the attachment 
completely stripped from the email message.  Here's my problem, if I 
enable content filtering to strip the attachments, scrubber never puts 
the attachment as a link in the archives.  I thought it might be a 
Global Pipeline issue, so
I changed the sequence of the global pipeline "as shown below", and put 
Scrubber as the first Handler to be processed and of course put this in 
"mm_cfg.py" and restarted Mailman.  Still,  the content filtering strips 
the attachments like I want, but  scrubber never puts the attachment as 
a link in the archives.

Does the sequence of the Pipeline affect this process, is there a way to 
do what I want?  Also is there documentation that shows a step by step 
process that a message goes through before delivery?  I would love to 
see this, it would help me understand the process that Mailman does to 
prepare a message for delivery.

I manage 200 lists at Idaho State Univeristy, and Mailman is a very 
critical application for us, which makes this task very important and in 
a rush to get accomplished.

I would appreciate your help.

    # These are the modules that do tasks common to all delivery paths.
# And now we send the message to the digest mbox file, and to the arch and
    # news queues.  Runners will provide further processing of the message,
    # specific to those delivery paths.
    # Now we'll do a few extra things specific to the member delivery
    # (outgoing) path, finally leaving the message in the outgoing queue.

Kory Wheatley
Academic Computing Analyst Sr.
Phone 282-3874
Everything must point to him.

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