[Mailman-Developers] interface dreams

Fil fil at rezo.net
Thu Jul 15 15:59:24 CEST 2004

As a list admin, I dream of a roster interface that would help me go fast
when I have 10 people to subscribe and 10 to remove because they don't know
better than "Reply"-ing to me.

I can make it up with php, with a box for search, another for "add users",
another for "remove users", and so on ("change address").

However there's something that could be very useful, that would be "search
fuzzy matches", for instance if <mr.bean at rezo.net> writes to me saying
that he needs to be unsubscribed, I can't easily locate his subscription if
it's under <bean at mail.rezo.net>. Any idea on how to do this?

-- Fil

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