[Mailman-Developers] VERPing: ouch!

Fil fil at rezo.net
Mon Jul 12 23:14:49 CEST 2004


I think there's a small design flaw with the once-in-a-wile VERPing scheme.
My biggest list is 180k subscribers, and I've set up Mailman to VERP once
every 10th message. Well, it happened today that the big list was hit by its
VERP time, and it's a bit awful - it looks like the list has taken control
of Mailman, and no other mail can pass through it.

I think it might be wiser to say "every 10th recipient" is VERPed at each
sending, than what we have now. Of course, it needs rotating things, or
randomizing them, so it's not a two-lines of code I guess.

Meanwhile I'll just have to disable VERP for this list (or for the whole

-- Fil

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