[Mailman-Developers] Re: skinning mailman pages...

David Champion dgc at uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 7 00:13:02 CEST 2004

* On 2004.07.06, in <68ADD732-CF94-11D8-A503-000D93C23532 at plaidworks.com>,
*	"Chuq Von Rospach" <chuqui at plaidworks.com> wrote:
> someone please tell me I'm not crazy. I remember a set of patches that 
> could be added to mailman that allowed defining header/footer for 
> mailman without having to hack everything -- and now, I can't find 
> them. Can someone point them out to me? Or suggest ways to add a site 
> look/feel to mailman without hacking everything?

You might be thinking of the ones I wrote for 2.0 beta. (If so, good
memory!) I don't see them on the Sourgeforge patch manager anymore, so
any description or commentary from then is lost, I guess.

At the time (7 Sept 2000), Barry was too far along toward release to
include them, and so many changes occurred afterward that I have been
too busy to update them.

Original posting:
    Message-ID: <20000907232200.I17203 at smack.uchicago.edu>

Since Sourceforge looks to have been purged, I put my patches here:

You're welcome to take and use anything you can. Updating the patch(es)
should be somewhat time-consuming, but probably not too head-scratching.
So much has changed that I don't expect diffs to apply cleanly at
all. On the other hand, the changes I made are conceptually pretty
straightforward, and if you're willing to put time into very boring
menial tasks it should be easy enough to work out using my patch(es)
as a guideline.

	Adds an admlogin.html template

	Alternating coloring of rows in listinfo table view

	Allows customization of color styles

	Sitewide header/footer templates

	Afraid I don't quite recall

	More pleasant response to invalid CGI parameters

	Local style customizations

	Minor fix to bin/update's use of hard-coded archive paths

 -D.    dgc at uchicago.edu                                  NSIT::ENSS
        No money,  no book.  No book,  no study.  No study, no pass.
        No pass, no graduate. No graduate, no job. No job, no money.
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