[Mailman-Developers] one-click unsubscribe

Jim Gottlieb jimmy-ml at nccom.com
Wed Jan 28 19:01:05 EST 2004

Is anyone working on extending VERP-like features to allow for true
one-click unsubscribe?

Right now, it's at least three-click, plus waiting for the confirmation
to arrive.  We'd really like to include a link in each message that
will allow them to very easily get off our list.

On a related note, if we were to send HTML email (I know, I know), will
variables be expanded in the text we submit so that we could create
links that will be different for each user?  So that, say with the
current capabilities, we could have something like

<A HREF=http://mailman.nccom.com/mailman/options/kxt/%(member-address)s>Click
here to manage your subscription</A>

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