[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman/templates/en probe.txt, NONE,

Fil fil at rezo.net
Tue Feb 10 19:14:48 EST 2004

This change was very much needed. I lost quite a few administrators like
this recently :)

> --- NEW FILE: probe.txt ---
> This is a probe message.  You can ignore this message.

I have the feeling that these messages are always too long. Most people
don't feel easy reading long "automatic" texts, especially if it arrives in
a language they don't perfectly master. In this precise case, the message
is long, and talks about things most people have never heard of (probes,
bounces, disable/re-enable subscription).

What I've done on listes.rezo.net is the following (for example,
concerning subscription ack):

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start file

 Your address has been added to the list %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s

 Thank you.


 To unsubscribe, you can write to the following address:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end file

What I mean is that the documentation should not be inside the message
(well, that's my view of this user interaction problem). If other people
feel the same, we could redesign a set of shorter templates for non-geeks.

The probe.txt message is of course very difficult to write, especially if it
contains a virus attached as a copy... :)

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