[Mailman-Developers] AOL's requirements for spam complaints

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at skynet.be
Mon Feb 2 06:27:09 EST 2004

At 10:02 AM +0000 2004/02/02, Nigel Metheringham wrote:

>  Of course if its only a list box, and you don't care too much about
>  absolute auditability through the mail delivery system you could just
>  switch of sync operations on that filesystem and probably get one hell
>  of a speed up.... at the risk of interesting things happening in the
>  case of a crash.

	In fact, in the case of announce-only lists of a very 
time-sensitive nature (e.g., sending out daily updates of the latest 
news over the past 24 hours that matches certain search criteria), 
you can do what InfoBeat/MercuryMail did -- run everything from a RAM 
disk.  In that case, you don't care if there is a crash and millions 
of messages are lost, since you'll do another run tomorrow.

	In fact, if you use one of the battery-backed RAM disks 
(solid-state disks, actually) which are supported by Linux and 
FreeBSD (among others), you can get up to 4GB (or more) of reliable 
storage that will be lightning fast, and you will have the best of 
all possible worlds.

	This enhancement is mentioned as the final step to maximum 
performance gain in my slides at 
<http://www.shub-internet.org/brad/papers/sendmail-tuning/>.  If 
you're going to seriously consider this route, you probably want to 
look at the other options, too.

	The RocketDrive (see 
<http://www.cenatek.com/product_rocketdrive.cfm>) is one example, 
then there's the SolidDate SSD (see 
<http://www.soliddata.com/products/1000/1000_specs.html>) and the 
RAM-SAN from Texas Memory Systems (see 

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at skynet.be>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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