[Mailman-Developers] Mailman + postfix + amavisd-new HOWTO

Fil fil at rezo.net
Fri Apr 9 18:05:50 EDT 2004

> This'd be a great thing to have linked in the FAQ (as well as our 

Thanks. I've put in in section 6 (integration issues).

There are still some things to check: for example, if you look carefully the
regexp I use, it is too simple, as you can send viruses and spam to
the address troll at domain.tld by abusing the + delimiter, such as in:
troll+-bounces at domain.tld

And I still have no clue if the number of amavis processes is right. Today I
sent out 40000 emails, and the pipe was clogged for about 15 minutes. Will
try next month with a bit more :-)

If I understand correctly, this FAQ is editable by anyone? So feel free to
update and annotate the file, but in that case please email me.

-- Fil

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