[Mailman-Developers] SMART Archiver

Gijs Hollestelle gijs at gewis.nl
Sun Nov 2 11:00:04 EST 2003

Hi all,

A week ago PieterB told me that there might be an interest in a replacement
archiver for pipermail that we created during a software engineering course.
That is why i put together a small demo and a homepage for the SMART
Archiver project.

I have set up a demo by importing the last 3 months of (publicly available)
mailman-developers archives into it. The site archive password (which
allows anyone to login as an administrator and can not be changed using the
web interface) is 'demo'. 

Note that this demo allows anyone to become administrator, so that anyone can
see the admin interface and play with it but if anyone abuses this right i
will remove the admin functions from the demo.

The demo can be found at:

And the homepage at:

Features of the SMART Archiver:

    * Gives a threaded overview of messages in a given time period.
    * Allows users to sort the archive by subject, date, thread, sender and
attachment types.
    * Allows users to search the archive over the web.
    * Understands MIME attachments and allows searching in plain-text
    * Allows administrators to add, remove and edit both messages and
    * Integrates with mailman.
    * Allows users to download all messages in a specific overview in mbox
    * Can import messages from mbox format.
    * Can automaticly remove messages from the archive after a certain
amount of time. 

Currently there are some known issues with the archiver, which should be
worked out in the near future:
    * Webinterface does not support multiple pages (if you have an overview
of a few months there could be a few thousand messages on your screen)
    * Currently requires the PostgreSQL database, there should also be
support for MySQL and some simpler format that can be used without a 3rd
party database.
    * The installer is very poor.

Let me know what you all think, currently I am the only active developer on
the project if anyone is interested in joining the project please let me

  Gijs Hollestelle
  gijs at gewis.nl

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