[Mailman-Developers] Is this a bug? (was semantic error...)

Wesley T. Perdue wes at greenfieldnetworks.com
Tue Jun 3 13:36:41 EDT 2003


FWIW, I'm running a source-installed Mailman 2.1.2 and source-installed Python 2.2.2 on a maintained Red Hat 7.1 system, and I haven't seen a single message in my Mailman error log.

Wes Perdue
IT Manager, Greenfield Networks

At 07:52 PM 6/3/2003 +0200, Oliver Egginger wrote:
>So I think (in this case), it's likely rather a mailman/python (2.2.2)
>issue than a Mailman/Linux distro topic.
>Maybe this is specific to my system, cause the configure scripts will
>produce different results on different systems.
>But maybe other people see those error messages with Mailman 2.1.2 and
>python 2.2.2 too. 

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