[Mailman-Developers] mm2.1 - DEFAULT_PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Jan 14 16:25:56 EST 2003

>>>>> "BF" == Bryan Fullerton <bryanf at samurai.com> writes:

    BF> Nobody seems to be answering questions in mailman-users (is
    BF> Barry away?), so I'll try this one here.

I've been swamped with Zope work, a upcoming studio project, and
getting ready for the Spam conference.  Trust me, I'm taking all these
messages with me on my laptop.  6:30 hours each way on the train
should give me plenty of time to catch up. :)

BTW, if anybody else is going to be at the Spam conference, let me
know.  I'd love to have a chat about Mailman, spam and other stuffis.
I'll be getting in Thursday night.


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