[Mailman-Developers] another traceback

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Feb 23 21:25:44 EST 2003

    CVR> Hmm. Looks like I had a wave of spam come in,a nd I set the #
    CVR> of daemons on the listener port too low, so it stopped
    CVR> accepting connections, and if that happens in the middle of a
    CVR> batch (I have SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION = 2 set),
    CVR> mailman doesn't handle it right.

    CVR> if it fails opening a connection, it seems to be
    CVR> okay. RE-opening a connection seems to be this problem.

This looks like a bit of a pain to fix.  Fortunately, once you fix
your smtpd and you unshunt the messages, they'll get delivered as
normal.  Please submit a bug report on this though...


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