[Mailman-Developers] Improvements MM 2.1.3

Rodolfo Pilas rodolfo at pilas.net
Tue Dec 9 15:49:50 EST 2003

I have just installed Mailman 2.1.3 and see the following problems:

1) Explanation with the refuse message.
When a moderator refuse a message and write an explanation to the sender
all works ok.  However if the moderator send a copy of the message to
all moderators, the others do not receive the explanation, they receive
the message only.   Perhaps the same message sent to sender (with the
explanation) would have to be sent to the moderators team.

2) Name and addres at subscriber list view
The subscriber list view list addresses only.  It would be very usefull
to list the address followed by the NAME of each subscriber.

Of course, MM is the best mailserver. You have made an excellent work!

 Rodolfo Pilas              Quien los puso a estos tipos donde estan,
 rodolfo at pilas.net          Quien los deja seguir en su lugar,
 http://rodolfo.pilas.net   Quien los baja ahora de su altar,
 Yahoo ID: ysidorito        Quien les paga para que hagan lo que haran
 ICQ: 17461636              -=# Apocalipsis Now % Cuarteto de Nos #=-
GnuPG Public Key: gpg --keyserver www.keyserver.net --recv-key 57153363 
Key Fingerprint  =>  DAAE 3246 3F7D A420 B7A0  48A5 D120 C773 5715 3363
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