[Mailman-Developers] English (USA)

Marty Galyean marty at penguinarts.com
Wed Apr 23 18:44:57 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 10:59, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> > What ever happened to rationality?  When did emotional moping take
> > precedence over sanity?
> Please accept it as a rational fact that many people will often react
> emotionally to what they see.  And please accept it as a rational fact
> that the ways in which superpowers often treat weaker countries tend
> to make a lot of people in those weaker countries emotionally upset.

Ok.  I didn't say it was not a fact that they may become upset.  What I
dispute is whether they are responsible for being upset over what they
read or whether the writer is responsible.  I, like most others who
value Liberty, hold adults responsible for thier emotion and think that
the State/Collective/Whatever should decidedly NOT be in the business of
managing individuals emotions as that is a prelude to a very deep
tyranny involving "thought crime" and such.  I give up trying to
explain.  I cannot argue against the "Earth as a Big Kindergarten"
theory of Socialism from which the "emotionally upset" argument seems to


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