[Mailman-Developers] translation update

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Apr 2 05:00:39 EST 2003

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 07:09, Mikhail Sobolev wrote:
> Lately I was not able to invest enough time to support the Russian
> translation.  Now I think that I would be able to catch up with the
> latest changes (both sent to me by some Russian speaking users and
> working changes).
> However, I am not sure where to commit my updates to.
> Can you please advise?

If you can, it would be best to apply updates to both the cvs trunk and
the Release_2_1-maint branch.  Unfortunately this probably means you
need to check out both branches.  On the positive side, the code bases
are pretty close right now so it should be fairly easy to apply the
changes to both branches.  If not, please apply them to the trunk and I
will backport them to the maint branch.

At some point, the trunk will diverge.  That'll happen when I commit to
a 2.2 or 3.0 release (a decision I'm putting off as long as possible
;).  At that point, managing the translations will get more, er,
interesting, so I'm up for suggestions (although some of the Zope work
I'm doing might be applicable).


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