[Mailman-Developers] Re: trimming Cc with mailman on reply to all

Marc MERLIN marc_news@merlins.org
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:51:55 -0700

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 05:19:24PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@merlins.org> writes:
>     MM> Now that I think of it, it wouldn't be too hard for mailman
>     MM> when it sends the list copy out to (optionally) remove from Cc
>     MM> all the Emails from members that have the nodupes option set.
>     MM> That way, the Cc would be left only with Emails that aren't
>     MM> subscribed to the list.
> Hmm, that's an interesting idea.  Of course, those Cc's will still be
> contained in the direct copy the recipient will get.  Does it matter

Correct,  so for  one list  member  a reply  to all  will generate  multiple
messages, but  receipients will only  get one  if they have  nodupes enabled
(which is a default)
The idea  is that for everyone  else on the  list side, the Cc  doesn't keep

> that  the (noduped)  cc'd  member  will get  a  message  with a  different
> recipient list than what the rest of the list membership gets?

I think it's acceptable.
In order not  to make mailman look  more complex than it already  is and add
yet another  option, I'd be  tempted to just remove  from the Cc  line every
member that is subscribed to the list and that has nodupes enabled.

I think that would take care of it, it  should be up to the people in the Cc
to decide  whether they want  their address stripped  from the Cc  line, not
from the member who receives the Email.

Would you agree?

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