[Mailman-Developers] feature request: new option for reply_goes_to_list

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 17:24:26 -0400

>>>>> "SP" == Simone Piunno <pioppo@ferrara.linux.it> writes:

    SP> I think that not implementing this feature we wouldn't improve
    SP> people's usage of reply-to in any way... we'd just leave the
    SP> situation as it is, e.g. 99% of the people doesn't {know how,
    SP> want} to use their mailer the way you teach.

    SP> Definitely we should stick to mechanism, not policy.

In general, I agree.  But when deciding on a new feature (which this
is so don't even think about it for 2.1 :), try a simple experiment.
See if you can explain how the feature interacts with all the existing
related features, and then see if you can go from there to an
explanation of how to accomplish the simple tasks that people want to
accomplish.  I find that the more cruft we bolt on (esp. to something
like Reply-To munging), the harder it gets to explain.  That's a bad

    SP> Agreed, but what I want to develop is a feature where Mailman
    SP> simply suggests "The Right Thing", without removing your
    SP> freedom degree.

Explicit is better than implicit.

