[Mailman-Developers] Help programming MemberAdaptor...

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Wed Oct 30 18:05:52 2002

On 29 October 2002, Martin Whinnery said:
> In MailList.pl I've changed the import line to:
> from Mailman.LDAPMemberships import OldStyleMemberships

Hacking on the Mailman modules is a bad idea -- next time you upgrade,
your change will be lost.

> Is this how I ought to be going? If not, how ought I to approach this?
> What I'd really like to do is have lists EITHER populate in the normal
> file way OR populated from LDAP. I was thinking I might use an address
> like

Err, define "populate".  Is this a one-time thing?  Or do you want the
list membership to always come from an LDAP lookup?

If the former, I would just write a script that does the LDAP query and
sets the list population from it.  Use bin/add_members as an example.

If the latter, why use Mailman at all?  Why not just use an MTA that can
lookup aliases using LDAP, and then send mail to that alias?  I'm pretty
sure both Exim and postfix can do that.

Note that I am *completely* ignorant of LDAP, not very clueful about
Mailman internals.  I'm just trying to help you ask the right

Greg Ward <gward@python.net>                         http://www.gerg.ca/
Monday is an awful way to spend one seventh of your life.