[Mailman-Developers] mime filtering

Fil fil@rezo.net
Sun Oct 20 22:04:43 2002

Dear all,

what mime-filtering is doing - can do - could do is not clear to me:

* how do I get such a message when things happen, or, say, when is it
  silent, when does it say what it does ?
    "[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]"

* Is it possible to plug in more mime converters : for instance, I'm on a
 Mailman list (one which I don't run) where msword files are deleted. Is it
 possible not to delete them, but to filter them through a doc2text filter?

* has anyone a "good combination" of mime filters that could be recommended
  to my listmasters? -- whatever "good" means to you ;-)

that's all for now!

-- Fil