[Mailman-Developers] VERP'd reply-to not being used by bounce detector

Stonewall Ballard sb.list@sb.org
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 22:46:46 -0400

On 10/18/02 7:57 PM, "Barry A. Warsaw" <barry@python.org> wrote:

>>>>>> "SB" == Stonewall Ballard <stoney@sb.org> writes:
>   SB> I'm using Mailman 2.1b+, from a CVS build earlier today.
>   SB> I sent a batch of messages out, and got a dozen bounces. Each
>   SB> one was forwarded to me as "uncaught", but the reply-to had
>   SB> the verp'd address in it.
> I recently changed the code in BounceRunner.py so that if the bounce
> format (verp or otherwise) is recognized but yeilds no addresses which
> are members of the list, the bouncing message is forwarded as
> "uncaught".
> Could this be what you're seeing?

I believe that this was caused by list locks being left by a crashed
archiver, therefore blocking the bounce detector from determining if it was
a list member.

 - Stoney