[Mailman-Developers] encoding the subject line..

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 11:58:10 -0400

>>>>> "TK" == Tokio Kikuchi <tkikuchi@is.kochi-u.ac.jp> writes:

    >> Barry, why is mailman encoding the subject line when it doesn't
    >> have to?

    TK> Why? because the recipient prefers it.

Actually, the Subject header is never encoded specific to the user, so
personalization /should/ have nothing to do with it.

The Subject is munged in prefix_subject() in CookHeaders.py.  When
personalization is on, only the user's name is encoded in
verpdelivery() in SMTPDirect.py.  So the Subject is modified based on
what the list's configuration only.  We don't care what the end user's
language is for purposes of the Subject header.
