[Mailman-Developers] 2.1b3 gate_news problem Sparc/Linux 6.2

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Tue, 15 Oct 2002 16:45:38 -0400

>>>>> "CN" == Colin Neeson <col.neeson@planetone-asia.com> writes:

    CN> socket.error: (32, 'Broken pipe')

    CN> The news server is up and running.  I can post and read news
    CN> items from it, so the socket.error is perplexing.

Very perlexing, especially since you get this error on the QUIT.  You
don't say what version of Python you're using, although I can guess
from the traceback it's 2.2.something.  First, upgrade to Python
2.2.2, which was just released yesterday.  That may or may not help.

If you're still having the problems, try some tests manually with the
nntplib module.  See


for details and examples.  If you can connect to your server, read
some data, grab n.g. articles and such, without error, then we'll have
to take a different tack.
