[Mailman-Developers] woo hoo!

Chuq Von Rospach chuqui@plaidworks.com
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 19:56:13 -0700

personalization works! Even better, it let me nail a bounce that was 
being forwarded through bigfoot to a place that was stripping all 

User `babsym98_thequeen@bigfoot.com' removed from list: ahl.

the bounce was coming back from:

Your message

   To:      babsym98_thequeen@bigfoot.com
   Subject: sorry, a quick test.
   Sent:    Tue, 15 Oct 2002 03:44:01 +0100

did not reach the following recipient(s):

sinclail@kilmarnock.ac.uk on Tue, 15 Oct 2002 03:49:02 +0100
     The recipient name is not recognized
         The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=gb;a= ;p=kilmarnock
     MSEXCH:IMS:Kilmarnock College:MAIL:WEBSERVER 0 (000C05A6) Unknown

You figure it out. Crap like this is why VERP was invented...

great stuff!

barry, this bug is still here, though:

*** subscribe ***
Oct 14 19:51:02 2002 (6753) ahl: deleted babsym98_thequeen@bigfoot.com

*** smtp ***
Oct 14 19:51:05 2002 (6128) 
<mailman.0.1034650262.6753.ahl@plaidworks.com> smtp for 1 recips, 
completed in 0.355 seconds
Oct 14 19:51:05 2002 (6128) 
<mailman.1.1034650262.6753.ahl@plaidworks.com> smtp for 1 recips, 
completed in 0.304 seconds
Oct 14 19:51:34 2002 (6128) 
<mailman.1.1034650262.6753.ahl@plaidworks.com> smtp for 1 recips, 
completed in 0.286 seconds

*** vette ***
Oct 14 19:51:33 2002 (6126) Precedence: bulk message ignored by: 

What's happening, Barry, is one part of Mailman is creating a message 
to let the admin know this guy was removed from the list, and then 
another part of Mailman is seeing the Precedence: Bulk header, and 
deleting it. so it's a message created and deleted within mailman 
without ever leaving the system, and the admin doesn't get notified. 
The message to the user confirming the unsubscription does work, since 
I see the bounce come back in later...

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
chuqui@plaidworks.com -- http://www.plaidworks.com/chuqui/blog/

Very funny, Scotty. Now beam my clothes down here, will you?