[Mailman-Developers] Re: 'make install' error in cvs

David Gibbs david@midrange.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 15:21:13 -0500

At 01:53 PM 5/25/2002, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>You must use at least Python 2.1 (with 2.1.3 or 2.2.1 recommended).
>Still, something's weird because unittest came with Python 2.0 IIRC.

Gah!  My bad.  I have two pythons installed ... python, which a 1.x, and 
python2, which is 2.1.

Here's the real results ...

[root@linux email-2.0.4]# pwd
[root@linux email-2.0.4]# PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/mailman/pythonlib python2 
FAIL: test_parseaddr_empty (test_email.TestMiscellaneous)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "test/test_email.py", line 1189, in test_parseaddr_empty
     self.assertEqual(Utils.parseaddr('<>'), ('', ''))
   File "/tmp/32444-i386/install/usr/lib/python2.1/unittest.py", line 273, 
in failUnlessEqual
     raise self.failureException, (msg or '%s != %s' % (first, second))
AssertionError: ('', None) != ('', '')
Ran 114 tests in 2.118s

FAILED (failures=1)
[root@linux email-2.0.4]# python2 -V
Python 2.1.1

| Internet: david@midrange.com
| WWW: http://david.fallingrock.net
| AIM: MidrangeMan
| If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk;
|    if you can't walk, crawl.
|		-mlk