[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman does everything except send mail

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 15:59:20 -0400

>>>>> "NB" == Norbert Bollow <nb@thinkcoach.com> writes:

    >> MM2.1's qrunner will take almost no resources to just leave it
    >> running.

    NB> Is there a way to start say a hundred of them on the same box
    NB> (in order to service a hundred separate Mailman installations)
    NB> so that most of the memory is shared?

You can start lots of them, even multiple ones to service the same
queue.  They won't collide and don't need to lock any resource.

But each is a separate Python process, in the current scheme of
things.  If the qrunners were I/O bound, you might see some gains by
multithreading them, but I haven't implemented that at all (and it
won't help if they're cpu bound).
