[Mailman-Developers] Re: 'make install' error in cvs

David Gibbs david@midrange.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 12:17:12 -0500

"Barry A. Warsaw" <barry@zope.com> wrote in message
> Yup, it's part of the (in)compatibility hacks to make the email
> package work with both python2.1 and python2.2.


> Question: why did you "kill it at this point"?  Did the installation
> process hang for you?

No, but on the workstation I was at I didn't have good scrollback. :(

> I believe that if you just ignore this error everything should still
> work for you.  You can verify this by cd'ing to
> /root/mailman-2.1-beta/mailman/misc/email-2.0.4 and typing:
>     % PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/mailman/pythonlib python test.py
> If you see no errors, you're good to go.  Let me know if you do get
> errors.

Got this ...

[root@linux email-2.0.4]# pwd
[root@linux email-2.0.4]# PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/mailman/pythonlib python
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "test.py", line 7, in ?
    import unittest
ImportError: No module named unittest
