[Mailman-Developers] minor config issue: web_page_url is stored in list config

Harald Koch chk@pobox.com
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 10:20:33 -0500

I installed Mailman 2.1b1 yesterday. I have an active 2.0.8 config, so I
installed 2.1b1 in a different directory, and moved a couple of lists
over from one install to the other.

Everything worked swimmingly, except for one thing: the URLs on web
pages were all pointing back to the old mailman installation. Some
poking around led me to the following:

The value for 'web_page_url' is stored in each individual list config
file (config.db/config.pck), instead of always being read from
mm_cfg.py. However, that variable is not exported by "config_list -o",
so it took me a while to figure it out.

The workaround for me was to add "web_page_url = 'http://www.cfrq.net/mm/'
to my list config and ran "config_list -i"; thankfully that worked.

Ideally, I would expect that this variable always be built from mm_cfg;
it's a property of the mailman install, not a property of an individual


Harald Koch     <chk@pobox.com>

"It takes a child to raze a village."
		-Michael T. Fry