[Mailman-Developers] moderation...

Ron Jarrell jarrell@vt.edu
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:19:09 -0500

At 11:22 PM 3/14/02 -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> >>>>> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <chuqui@plaidworks.com> writes:
>     >> - Would you be happy with an emergency switch that applied to
>     >> all postings, from members and non-members alike, even if the
>     >> non-members are on the "accept these non-members" list?
>     CVR> Yes. Sometimes, you need a "time out, let's settle down"
>     CVR> switch.
>This is in cvs now, complete with Rude Solo Light <wink>.  For
>messages held while in emergency mode, no notifications are sent to
>the list owner or to the sender (I suspect both would be highly
>annoying, and no, I don't want to add yet another knob to control
>Messages get through if they have an Approved: header with the list
>owner or moderator password.  That seems to be the only unspoofable
>token we can rely on.

Will they still go through if released with the usual mechanism of
going to admindb and accepting it?