[Mailman-Developers] Database version updates drop nomail settings

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 01:28:27 -0500

>>>>> "LN" == Les Niles <les@2pi.org> writes:

    LN> BTW, the way I produced the problem was just by copying a
    LN> lists/<listname> directory -- for a list with some
    LN> disabled-delivery subscribers -- from 2.0beta6 to 2.1alpha4.

Cool.  I'm much more confident that the bug is now squashed in cvs.
I've done this several times (actually copied a list from 2.0.8 to
2.1cvs) and with different combinations of nomail settings, and all
the upgrades seem to work.

    >> If it's a real bug, I'm sure it will come up during beta
    >> testing, but that might be too late (i.e. it might bite badly
    >> for people who are, er, more enthusiastic about upgrading. ;).

    LN> Yeah, it tended to cause unrest when folks had set up
    LN> disabled- delivery subscriptions to be able to post from
    LN> alternate addresses and all of a sudden started getting
    LN> multiple copies of every message. ;)

Yeah, that would suck. :)
