[Mailman-Developers] big list

Fil fil@rezo.net
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 15:47:36 +0100

@ Fil <fil@rezo.net> :
> @ Barry A. Warsaw <barry@zope.com> :
> > The good news: thanks for stressing this part of Mailman.  I /think/
> > cvs now should perform much better.  Please try it out.  Mailman now

I've tried to send again my 'big list' as personalized messages. The
messages went out fast, but

*First problem:* Although they are personalized (To: address ofg recipient),
the messages sent were not VERPed (from the mail.log I saw only "from
<listname-bounces@server>", not "from <listname-bounces+XXXX=XX>").

So I did /etc/init.d/mailman stop, in order to be able to read the list
config: I checked that "personalize" was still On. It was.
And mm_cfg.py contains:

*Second problem:* Then I did /etc/init.d/mailman start, but the sending of
this message did not resume.

The message is in qfiles/shunt, but the addresses not yet delivered to are
nowhere to be seen. It seems to mean that, if the computer shuts down while
Mailman is sending a batch of mails, a portion of the recipients will not
receive their copy?

I think the right way to do it would be, alongside the xxx.db and xxx.pck
files in qfiles/shunt/ , to have a file xxx.dest containing all addresses
not yet delived-to (in whatever format), that could be written one every x
seconds to disk, in order to be able to resume sending if the computer has
crashed, the power failed, or some dumb administrator tried to restart
mailman at that moment.

*Third problem:* The "a message awaits your approval" mail is empty
(the Mailman site is configured as French, maybe that's a source of trouble:
I see this strange header :
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; charset="fr";                

-- Fil