[Mailman-Developers] Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

Terri Oda terri@zone12.com
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 23:29:38 -0500

At 08:52 PM 04/03/02 -0800, James J. Besemer wrote:
>4. It would be nice to reuse the existing list security as an umbrealla to 
>other arbitrary, list-members-only web pages.  E.g., some listers hate large
>graphics attachments (and they are problematic generally).  I'd like to 
>remove the
>image from the incoming message, publish it on a secure, lister-only web 
>page and
>forward the mail with an URL substituted for the image attachment.

Since no one else has commented on this yet, I thought I should do so lest 
it be forgotten. :)

I think it'd be very cool if I could set up one of my list servers to do 
grab images and do this automatically, perhaps after confirmation from the 
admin interface (so if it were *really* huge I could refuse to store it, or 
if I had it grabbing anything that was larger than the limit, I'd probably 
want to check to make sure it wasn't another copy of SirCam before posting 
:P  ).  I'm not too sure it'd be useful to the world as a whole, but I do 
this manually now for one server's worth of lists, so maybe implementing it 
for myself would be worth it.

It's funny that you should mention it, because I got a handful of images 
sent to one of my smaller lists this week and I was actually thinking about 
this just before you posted.

It's good to know that using list security is easy, too.  Ages ago, we 
contemplated using mailman passwords to allow access to a linuxchix wiki 
(It seems sorta wrong to limit access to a wiki, but linuxchix is a likely 
target for trolls... although thankfully we haven't had many on the mailing 
lists), and although I figured it could be done, it's neat to know where to 
start if I ever have a similar idea brought up. :)