[Mailman-Developers] big list

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 20:39:23 -0500

>>>>> "F" == Fil  <fil@rezo.net> writes:

    F> What I'm witnessing now is also interesting: these personalized
    F> messages go out one after the other, almost 20 seconds between
    F> them. The IncomingRunner is taking up about 100% of one of the
    F> CPU. The BounceRunner taking 30% of the other. I guess both are
    F> trying, for each file, to rescan the database file? I can't
    F> understand why the IncomingRunner should check the database...

This part /should/ perform better too.  OutgoingRunner usually[1]
doesn't need to lock the list so there's much less contention on the
list lock.  IncomingRunner is doing much less work now too.


[1] It only locks it occasionally if it got failures when talking to
the MTA.  It collects these failures and periodically cleans them out,
doing a bounce registration for each.  "Periodically" is defined in
DEAL_WITH_PERMFAILURES_EVERY in OutgoingRunner.py <1 wink>.