[Mailman-Developers] big list

Fil fil@rezo.net
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 23:31:38 +0100

@ John W Baxter <jwblist@olympus.net> :
> As to VERPing a big list with the *current* tool:  don't (if it hurts,
> don't do it, and I doubt whether throwing enough more hardware at the
> 50,000 address list is feasible).

Sometimes you want to try and stress things, just to give beta feedback to
Barry. I've shown a problem with computing all VERPed messages before
sending (as opposed to *while sending*), I'm quite happy with that being in
a beta (or alpha) moment before the much awaited MM2.1.

> VERP a bunch of little lists roughly sequentially.  The originator of the
> thread might try the first 1,000 and see whether 50 1000 member lists will
> work.  *Particularly* when nearly 50,000 bounces are expected (the list is
> bouncers from other lists, per the initial message).

What I'm witnessing now is also interesting: these personalized messages go
out one after the other, almost 20 seconds between them. The IncomingRunner
is taking up about 100% of one of the CPU. The BounceRunner taking 30% of
the other. I guess both are trying, for each file, to rescan the database
file? I can't understand why the IncomingRunner should check the database...

In conclusion, it's going to take on loooong time expelling all these
files... Too bad I'll have to stop that experiment (or spend several days
with an eye on log files).

-- Fil