[Mailman-Developers] problem with VERP stuffing all the messages in one connection

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 19:56:03 -0500

>>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@vasoftware.com> writes:

    MM> When VERP is enabled, mailman apparently sends all the Emails
    MM> over one SMTP connection.

Actually, I don't think it has anything to do with VERP.  Won't normal
delivery do the same thing?  (I'm assuming you're not doing threaded
delivery.)  Looking at SMTPDirect.py it just creates the connection,
spits all the chunks down the connection and then quits the
connection.  Are you really only seeing this for VERP deliveries?
    MM> Mailman needs a MAX_RCPT_PER_SMTP setting and close the SMTP
    MM> connection after sending that many messages, and open up a new
    MM> one.

It probably ought to be something like
