[Mailman-Developers] Initial Mailman v2.0 with TMDA and Mime filtering

Fil fil@rezo.net
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 19:55:44 +0200

>   TMDA then provides a confirmation system for held mail by sending a
>   message back to the address that sent the held message, requesting
>   confirmation that the poster not only exists, but really meant to send
>   that message.  The confirmation message contains both instructions on
>   how to confirm, and a copy of the original message.

This is really neat, I'm eager to see it in action ASAP.

A simple question though: does TMDA read the "language" data of the mailman
list, and does/can it send the confirmation message in that language (when
available)? Or are we going to have to wait for a fuller integration to
enjoy this in i18n?

-- Fil