[Mailman-Developers] Opening up a few can o' worms here...

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 16:08:19 -0400

>>>>> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <chuqui@plaidworks.com> writes:

    >> Wow, I guess you don't read many EULAs do ya? :)
    >> your-problem-son-is-ya-got-morals-ly y'rs,

    CVR> I can sleep at night, too. But then, I believe in doing what
    CVR> I think is right, not what I can get away with as legal. If
    CVR> that bothers you, sue me...

    CVR> (heh)

Now we understand why neither of us are CEOs of large US corporations,
or high ranking US goverment officials. :)

    >> P.S. Someday soon you/we may indeed have that legal
    >> responsibility.  Although obviously a worthy goal, I'm actually
    >> a little fearful of what that'll mean for free software.

    CVR> Sorry, I just don't think they'l suceed at nuking free
    CVR> software. Too much big business depends on it now. Vigilance
    CVR> is good, but when push comes to shove, the ones that are
    CVR> trying to screw it up won't succeed.

You're definitely more optimistic than I am.  When Hollywood, the
RIAA, and Microsoft team up against it, and the h/w manufacturers
capitulate or risk being tarred as un-Americans aiding cyberterrorism
I think we have an up-Hill (sic) battle.

can-we-kill-this-thread-now?-ly y'rs,