[Mailman-Developers] phantom moderation...

Fil fil@rezo.net
Sun, 7 Jul 2002 18:00:06 +0200

> Well, try to have something to do ;-)

For example, one thing to do was to read the code.

            count = mlist.NumRequestsPending()
            # While we're at it, let's evict yesterday's autoresponse data
            midnightToday = Utils.midnight()
            evictions = []
            for sender in mlist.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses.keys():
-                date, count = mlist.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender]
+                date, xxxxx = mlist.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender]

We don't need the 'count = mlist.NumRequestsPending()' to be polluted by the
'count' of line 52. I've put xxxxx in place of 'count', and the bug
disappears. Sure Barry will find something better than xxxx ;)

-- Fil