[Mailman-Developers] quite a few problems with current cvs

Fil fil@rezo.net
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 11:16:14 +0200

@ Barry A. Warsaw <barry@zope.com> :
>     F> 1) Most importantly and urgently, the confirmation emails do
>     F> not trigger subscriptions any more : the user receives her "You are
>     F> subscribed" email, but she does not appear in the subscribers'
>     F> roster, and her cookie is still there in data/pending.pck
> FWIW, I can't confirm this with current cvs.  Email subscriptions,
> confirmations, unsubs, confirmations, all seem to work just fine.

Strangely, the web confirmation works perfectly, only the email
confirmations fail. The email confirmation apparently works (the user
receives all the correct emails) but the cookie stays in the pending.pck
and the user is not subscribed...

I've changed my verify.txt to send everybody to the web confirmation
interface, but still, I'm wondering what can be the difference: a lock
condition maybe? I've checked permissions, they're all apparently OK...

-- Fil