[Mailman-Developers] quite a few problems with current cvs

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 01:43:20 -0400

>>>>> "F" == Fil  <fil@rezo.net> writes:

    > Subject: [Test] =?iso-8859-1?Q?accentu=E9es_=E8_=E0_=F4?=

    F> The emails received have this subject line, shown as
    F> above. They are not interpreted by 'mutt', nor by a webmail I
    F> use (squirrelmail), nor by Eudora, nor by mhonarc (see e.g.
    F> http://listes.rezo.net/archives/spip/2002-07/msg00039.html ).

    F> So I guess it's not coming from mutt or the other MUAs being
    F> suddenly broken, but rather them being badly formed somewhere
    F> in Mailman.

I wouldn't count on it.  I believe the header is conformant to RFC

    Ordinary ASCII text and 'encoded-word's may appear together in the
    same header field.  However, an 'encoded-word' that appears in a
    header field defined as '*text' MUST be separated from any
    adjacent 'encoded-word' or 'text' by 'linear-white-space'.

and indeed this header displays just fine in VM/XEmacs.

    | Subject: test =?iso-8859-1?Q?caract=E8res_accentu?=
    |         =?iso-8859-1?B?6XMg4Onu9A==?=
    | (nice encoding, shows good in all MUAs)

Yup, in mine too.

    | Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?=5BTest=5D_?=
    |  =?iso-8859-1?q?test_=3D=3Fiso-8859-1=3FQ=3Fcaract=3DE8res=5Faccentu=3F=3D?=
    |  =?iso-8859-1?q?=0D=0A=09=3D=3Fiso-8859-1=3FB=3F6XMg4Onu9A=3D=3D=3F=3D?=

    F> The mail server and my own email are the same machine, so no
    F> interference existed.

Hmm.  Can you send me the original test message?  I'd like to know who
in email or Mailman is doing the touble encoding.

But isn't this seems like a different problem than the one you
described earlier?  In the first case, the mixing of ascii and
encoded-words should be legal.  In the second, you're getting
encoded-words double encoded, which is clearly wrong, but I don't know
where that's coming from.
