[Mailman-Developers] quite a few problems with current cvs

Fil fil@rezo.net
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:54:46 +0200

Dear Mailman-dev,

since I last upgraded I can't make mailman work as it used to!

1) Most importantly and urgently, the confirmation emails do not trigger
   subscriptions any more : the user receives her "You are subscribed"
   email, but she does not appear in the subscribers' roster, and her cookie
   is still there in data/pending.pck

2) A secondary issue is that the iso-something subject lines are totally
   broken ; I think this is related to the impossibility of installing
   email-2.0.4 on a python 2.1 box (the _compat22.py file fails and exit)
   but I'm not sure.

What can I do to help track it down/ repair my system?

-- Fil