[Mailman-Developers] Problem while upgrade to mailman 2.1 alpha

Dan Ohnesorg dan@ohnesorg.cz
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 17:35:25 +0100 (CET)

I am also triing to upgrade to never version and I have this troubles:

Upgrading from version 0x20005f0 to 0x20100a4
getting rid of old source files
fixing all the perms on your old html archives to work with b6
If your archives are big, this could take a minute or two...
Updating mailing list: test
- updating old private mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
- updating old public mbox file
    looks like you have a really recent CVS installation...
    you're either one brave soul, or you already ran me
Fixing language templates: test
Updating mailing list: kecy
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./update", line 531, in ?
    errors = main()
  File "./update", line 413, in main
    errors = errors + dolist(listname)
  File "./update", line 183, in dolist
    mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 101, in __init__
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 543, in Load
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 560, in CheckVersion
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 154, in Lock
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 543, in Load
  File "../Mailman/MailList.py", line 563, in CheckVersion
    Update(self, stored_state)
  File "../Mailman/versions.py", line 53, in Update
  File "../Mailman/versions.py", line 339, in CanonicalizeUserOptions
    if l.getMemberOption(k, mm_cfg.DisableDelivery):
  File "../Mailman/OldStyleMemberships.py", line 120, in getMemberOption
  File "../Mailman/OldStyleMemberships.py", line 113, in __assertIsMember
    raise Errors.NotAMemberError, member
Mailman.Errors.NotAMemberError: fickman@atlas.cz

and it is alo true, that this user is listed only in section

    'user_options': {   '3zsmost@schoolnet.cz': 8,
                        'fickman@atlas.cz': 8,

of dump_db.

Sure, the database is corrupt, but it is not fatal, i think the upgrage 
should run OK.


DD   DD                Dan Ohnesorg, supervisor on POWER     
DD  OOOO               Dan@feld.cvut.cz
DD OODDOO              Dep. of Power Engineering
DDDDDD OO              CTU FEL Prague, Bohemia
   OO  OO              work: +420 2 24352785;+420 2 24972109
    OOOO               home: +420 311 679679;+420 311 679311

Nezlob se na růži, že má trny;
raduj se, že tak trnitý keř má růže.
                -- Arabské přísloví