[Mailman-Developers] VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL not yet functional ?

Fil fil@rezo.net
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 11:53:01 +0100

@ Barry A. Warsaw <barry@zope.com> :
> I figured out the problem and have a mostly working patch.  There's a
> deeper issue involved that I want to fix before I check everything in.
> Watch for it later tonight (my time <wink) or tomorrow.
> If you're interested: Because OutgoingRunner.py doesn't need a list
> lock to do its work, it loads the MailList state once the first time
> it needs that list.  It never reloads it, so it never sees the post_id
> get incremented.
> The quick fix is to move the occasional VERP calculation into
> ToOutgoing.py, which is part of the munge-and-moderate pipeline, and
> thus will always have the up-to-date list data.
> A related, longer term fix is to make sure that OutgoingRunner
> occasionally reloads the list data, but that's a bit tricky because we
> can't count on reference counting (maybe we could use Python2.1's
> weakrefs?) and we don't yet have an API to invalidate the MailList's
> state.

Is that really necessary? If it imposes some overhead, you could use
    .... not (int(random() * mm_cfg.VERP_DELIVERY_INTERVAL)): ...

-- Fil