[Mailman-Developers] XML specs for mailing-lists?

Fil fil@rezo.net
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:56:35 +0200

Now I think I'll do something different:

1) my user database will know how to write the list of persons it wants to
   see as subscribers to some listname. This will be the result of of web
   query with authentication. Its answer's format will be

    email -- password for mailing-lists -- name (seperated by tabulations)

2) a script will call the page every 2 hours, check that it came through
   without problems, then do
        withlist listname
           unsubscribe everybody
           while (<parse the received list>)
               subscribe address=joe@mail.com, passwd=xxxx, name=Joe User

   (maybe just update the list by flagging "nomail" on/ or deleting/ absent
    addresses and by adding the new ones, in order to keep all the flags)

-- Fil