[Mailman-Developers] mailman on windows/cygwin

Todd Ransom transom@extremelogic.com
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:21:24 -0400

I added a new entry (5.2) in the FAQ. I don't have a place to host the 
doc but if you would like it in its original HTML format let me know and 
I'll send it to you.


Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>>>>>>"TR" == Todd Ransom <transom@extremelogic.com> writes:
>     TR> I am putting together a document to describe the steps
>     TR> required to get Mailman running on Windows 2000 using cygwin,
>     TR> exim and IIS. Just wanted to see if you were interested in
>     TR> including this in the documentation or on your web site.
> Absolutely!  Send me a link when the docs are ready.
> I'd also suggest adding something to the Mailman FAQ.
> -Barry