[Mailman-Developers] Changing web_page_url in mm 2.1

ml+mm-dev@riyescott.com ml+mm-dev@riyescott.com
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 20:55:07 -0700

On 13 Apr 2002 00:32:51 -0700, Marc MERLIN <marc_news@vasoftware.com> wrote:
> I  have web_page_url  set to  the wrong  value for  a list  I just  created.
> Outside of using  config_list, is there any easier way  to change the domain
> the list is in?

I also noticed this wasn't in config_list.  After an interesting learning
experience, I wrote the script below, which I used with withlist.
It would be better if it took the new domain name from the command line.

Invocation to change *all* lists:
    bin/withlist -l -r urllist.urlfix -a

File urllist.py
# List web_page_url
# To invoke: bin/withlist [-q] -r urllist -a
def urllist(mlist):
    print 'List: ', mlist.internal_name()
    print '    web_page_url: ', mlist.web_page_url

# Update web_page_url, which doesn't seem to be covered in bin/config_list.
# To invoke: bin/withlist [-q] -l -r urllist.urlfix -a
def urlfix(mlist):
    print 'List: ', mlist.internal_name()
    print '    web_page_url before: ', mlist.web_page_url
    mlist.web_page_url = "http://newname.com/mailman/"
    print '    web_page_url after:  ', mlist.web_page_url

--  Dale