[Mailman-Developers] how to get the latest .po file to translate?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 00:08:57 -0400

>>>>> "OW" == Ousmane Wilane <wilane@yahoo.com> writes:

    OW> The french catalog is maintained by me, and an up-to-date
    OW> version was sent to Barry while he was busy with Python, I
    OW> don't know where did it went but never in cvs tree...  Perhaps
    OW> I did something wrong!  Anyway, the last up-to-date catalog
    OW> will be sent to Barry again.  Sorry If I did something wrong
    OW> that makes the catalog > /dev/null.  I will update the new
    OW> catalog as soon as I can and send it.

BTW, the lack of an update was entirely my fault.  Ousmane sent me his
updates but I was slammed with getting Python 2.2b1 out.  I believe
(hope!)  I've now committed his latest French catalog and README.fr
