[Mailman-Developers] Re: New Pipermail hacks (was Re: Ok, it works! ...)

Ben Gertzfield che@debian.org
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 17:54:33 +0900

>>>>> "David" == David Champion <dgc@uchicago.edu> writes:

    David> Oh, I forgot to mention that part: make a subdirectory of
    David> the attachments/ directory, whose name is unique and
    David> preferably based on some characteristic of the message
    David> (message-id, sequence number, etc.)  combined with
    David> something unlikely to repeat (a hash, a sequence number,
    David> etc.).

Hm.. It'd need more testing.  Either that or *some* kind of hashing
based on the message-id will be necessary on any list with a good
amount of traffic with attachments.  But yes, that's a good idea and
we should test it.


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