[Mailman-Developers] CPU usage again

Rodolfo Pilas rodolfo@linux.org.uy
17 Oct 2001 13:01:39 -0300

En Tue, 2001-10-16 a 21:42, Ben Gertzfield escribio:
> >>>>> "Rodolfo" == Rodolfo Pilas <rodolfo@linux.org.uy> writes:
>     Rodolfo> I have the problem again: 
>     Rodolfo> load average: 1.08, 1.02, 1.01
>     Rodolfo> # tail logs/qrunner Oct 16 21:11:00 2001 (738) Master
>     Rodolfo> qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 743, sig: 15, sts:
>     Rodolfo> 0, class: ArchRunner, slice: 1/1)
> How big are your .mbox files in the mailman/archives/private/*
> directories?  I had the exact same problem until I turned off internal
> archiving; once my .mbox files got too big, the ArchRunner took up
> 100% of the CPU and took hours to run.

It is not big:

# du -h /var/spool/mailman/archives/private/
9.1M	/var/spool/mailman/archives/private

but I am thinking that the problem is perhaps in the pipermail system.


 Rodolfo Pilas                Quien los puso a estos tipos donde estan,
 rodolfo@linux.org.uy         Quien los deja seguir en su lugar,
 http://rodolfo.pilas.net     Quien los baja ahora de su altar,
 ICQ #17461636                Quien les paga para que hagan lo que haran
 http://xtralinux.org         -=# Apocalipsis Now % Cuarteto de Nos #=-

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