[Mailman-Developers] Using Mailman as a broadcast list manager - folo

Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 20:53:56 -0500

Well, everyone's apparently busy doing other stuff just now, so I
hacked around in SMTPdirect.py, and added the following:

    # Split the recipient list into SMTP_MAX_RCPTS chunks.  Most MTAs have a
    # limit on the number of recipients they'll swallow in a single
    # transaction.
    if mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_RCPTS <= 0:
        chunks = [recips]
        chunks = chunkify(recips, mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_RCPTS)
    refused = {}
    t0 = time.time()

    # Look in the list for a max/day, set up to pause for the necessary
    # amount of time.  This will hose the efficiency logging stuff,
    # but I don't see any other approach...
    # grabbed from globals for now, til I unwind the context
    # Mon Mar 12 15:38:48 EST 2001 by jra@baylink.com
    msg_limit = 0

        msg_limit = mm_cfg.MAX_MSGS_PER_DAY

    if msg_limit > 0:
        max_chunks_per_day = (msg_limit / mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_RCPTS)
        delay_after_chunk = 86400 / max_chunks_per_day

    # We can improve performance by unlocking the list during delivery.  We
    # must re-lock it though afterwards to ensure the pipeline delivery
    # invariant.
        if threading:
            threaded_deliver(admin, msgtext, chunks, refused)
            for chunk in chunks:
                deliver(admin, msgtext, chunk, refused)
                # throttle deliveries
                if msg_limit > 0:
        t1 = time.time()
    # Log the successful post
    syslog('smtp', 'smtp for %d recips, completed in %.3f seconds' %
           (len(recips), (t1-t0)))
But I'm not sure how that's going to fly.

Without a MAX_MSGS_PER_DAY set in mm_cfg.py, it doesn't seem to be
affecting the bulk subscribe welcome messages...

though I had to hand chunk those into 1000 address groups; add_members
is simply *not* architected to load in 51,000 addresses at a time; the
loops are too deep.

Will this approach cause locking problems, etc?

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 804 5015