[Mailman-Developers] Feature request: Make bookmarks into archives work better

Stephen Cranefield scranefield@infoscience.otago.ac.nz
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 09:57:03 +1300

I subscribe to a number of mailing lists on a site that uses mailman
and I would like to be able to reference in a paper a message in the
archives of one of the lists.  The archives are for members only but
anyone can join the list.

The problem is that entering the URL for an individual message 
results in a login page and there is no information on that
page about how to subscribe to the list.  Is it possible to add a
link from the log-in page for a list to the subscription page?

Secondly, after a successful login, the result is the top-level
archive page for the list - the URL for the individual message
has been ignored.  Is it possible to fix this so the actual URL
that was entered is remembered?

- Stephen